See another side of the innocent console

May 21, 2007 07:17 GMT  ·  By

Word on the street is that the ESRB should focus on the Wii's violent games even more than games for the PlayStation consoles and Xbox. Why? Because of the Wii's control Scheme. Playing with a regular controller only requires pressing some buttons and moving some analog sticks, while the Wiimote may require real-life moves, symbolizing slashing someone with a sword, as The Escapists reports.

Apparently, while PlayStation and Xbox gamers see, or don't see games like GTA and Manhunt for what they are, playing with a regular controller will keep them literally paralyzed in their chair/couch, eliminating awareness, but also reminding them that it's just a game as they don't even have to move from the spot.

With the Wii, it's different. Whatever the player has to do, the game will require real-life movement such as in Wii Tennis, where the player has to replicate swinging the racket towards the ball, the instant it reaches his/her Mii. Take that and add it to violent games. What do you get? Your personal hack and slash teaching device.

An excerpt from the article: "Replace a gun with a hammer or a sword, and the actions the player must use to control the onscreen action are even more tangibly violent in nature. Suddenly, the Wii's propensity to make players more animated takes on a much more sinister connotation."

Of course, anyone can tell you that one has to be quite instable to start killing because of the Wii. I always believed that only people predisposed to madness could be influenced by cartoons that could be controlled. Music and film have the same effect, so don't worry about the Wii. It's just as innocent as it was before this article went out.

Oh, but if you do need to use a sword to play your games, just be careful not to knock any objects down.