Black case, covering the same old faulty system

May 1, 2007 10:05 GMT  ·  By

What did I tell you? I'd just like to go on record here that "I" warned of the Elite's possible incompetence of doing simple tasks such as keeping quiet while reading from the hard drive or discs. Kidding of course, but it's true nonetheless, as CVG recently reports.

It seems that the Xbox 360 has earned itself the title of unreliable gaming system with this one, too many mishaps occurring with the newly released Xbox 360 Elite. Microsoft's thought that a nice black cased system with all the goodies included in the box this time would be enough to do the trick. However they didn't consider to actually make them work; thus history repeats itself.

Reports of faulty Xbox 360s have flooded the Internet:

- Xbox 360s scratching discs; - Xbox 360s dying on Guitar Hero II whammy bar patch installation; - 3 defective Xbox 360s in a row at Wal-mart; - noisy hard drive; - over heated Xbox 360s.

I could go on forever. Now with Elite's release, faithful gamers went to buy and try out Microsoft's newly rolled out next-gen machine. Unfortunately, as the upper mentioned gaming site reports "a number of disappointed early-purchasers have already been struck by the three red lights of death, while others have experienced consoles resetting themselves or making loud grinding noises while failing to read game disks."

Need I say more? Microsoft's really got to get their act together, not that the PS3 will take over (far from it), nor the Wii (as they have their own gamers to tap), but because a newly rolled out console and a disappointed gamer population just don't go very well.