Backstabbing has occurred

May 18, 2009 07:21 GMT  ·  By

Team Fortress 2 is one of the most popular online games currently available on the market, largely due to the fact that the team at Valve has approached online first-person shooters in a very tongue-in-cheek manner, revealing a lot of amusing new trinkets for the many classes of the game.

Last week we were shown some of the new things that would appear in the next update, which, as other ones before it, focused on a single class, for which it brought new things. For three days, we believed that this class would be the Sniper, as he received a brand new offensive weapon and a shield, in order to protect his backside. With the new gameplay mode and arena maps, fans were certain that only the Sniper would receive new things.

But that wasn't so, as the classic backstab maneuver occurred, and the Spy managed to gain the upper hand on the Sniper. It seems that, for the first time, two classes will receive new things during an update, as the Spy will get his stealthy hands on two watches, which guarantees some unique experiences for those who play the sneaky class.

The Dead Ringer will offer players a fake body every time they receive a non-lethal hit, and will cloak the Real Player for up to eight seconds, guaranteeing his escape or revenge on the one who attempts to kill him. The other watch is the Cloak and Dagger one, guaranteeing the players permanent invisibility, as long as they keep the power charged. To do this, they just need to stand still and wait for it to regenerate, as it only depletes once they start moving.

Also, it seems that the team at Valve decided to put up a new video in the “Meet the” series on its YouTube page, but it was quickly pulled down. Luckily, the team at GameTrailers managed to get a hold of it and host it on their website. Enjoy three minutes of some very entertaining action and details about the Spy's private life.