More and more downloadable content from Sony

Nov 2, 2006 09:06 GMT  ·  By

Recently, Sony representative Phil Harrison has revealed some new information about the upcoming PS3 downloadable games. He spoke to Eurogamer and as it turns out, Sony is planning to clench the gamers' thirst for downloadable games with 40 of them.

Being sick and tired with Microsoft's Xbox owning the monopole for gaming consoles online features and content, Sony has decided to strike back in style. Phil Harrison from Sony decided to speak and reveal that his company is currently developing 40 (yeah, you saw it right) downloadable games for supporting PS3's online efforts.

Part of his strategy at Sony is to force game developers to take advantage of the PS3's advanced technical features by creating innovating new games. Harrison emphasized the 3D capabilities of the PS3 and that the new console is not restricted by the size of the download.

He did not reveal any of the titles that are currently under development but confirmed that the previously e-distribution leaked titles, including fl0w, God of War and Calling all Cars (Criminal Crackdown) will be available for download.

That all sound great but some of us just can't wait to get our hands on that black wonder from Sony. Maybe many of you will spend the night before November 17 in front of your local Sony store hoping that you will get one of their magic consoles. But ask yourself, is it really worth it?