Not enough buttons on your handheld? There will be soon if the rumors are true.

Feb 8, 2007 09:30 GMT  ·  By

I think it's clear to everyone that Nintendo has hit the jackpot with the Wii and DS gaming systems, but apparently, they're not stopping here. T3 got hold of some piece of information that seemingly says Nintendo is in the works of a phone/game entertainment system. There already are some pictures that may, or may not be the actual device. Earlier rumors of a microphone equipped Wii were soon put to rest and such device never came, but a phone-console...that's a different matter all together.

Letting people know they have plans of making this device, the company must mean business. Nintendo has never let us down when ever we heard they were working on a release of any nature, and while everyone expects to get what Nintendo promises, sometimes they even outdo themselves and make record sales of their products, for instance the Wii selling figures of 2006-2007, not to mention the DS's.

Whatever they have in mind when they're developing something, the public seems to be hooked on all of their hardware and software and their warranty policy stands much taller than its rivals'. And if grandpas play on Nintendo's DS, why would it be such a long shot to make a gaming system that features a cell-phone as well? I can see it now, I'm pouring with sweat trying to make Mario activate a Mini-Mario in the last level (which is done by holding a key down for several seconds) and suddenly I get a call...NOOOOOOO!

Until more information is available, we can enjoy Mario on the DS, kicking Kong's butt without having to worry about any incoming calls.