A new game in the highly successful series is coming next year

Nov 9, 2011 17:01 GMT  ·  By

To the surprise of actually no one, Activision has confirmed that 2012 will see the release of a brand new Call of Duty game, although no actual details have been given by the large games publisher.

The Call of Duty series has just seen its newest installment, Modern Warfare 3, appear yesterday and, judging by first estimates, it's set to topple sales records around the world. However, some customers aren't that thrilled with its quality, as many of them 'bombed' the game on review aggregator Metacritic, reaching extremely low scores.

Even so, Activision isn't phased by this reception, as its CEO, Bobby Kotick, via Kotaku, has revealed that a new Call of Duty game is scheduled to appear next year.

Sadly, the company didn't confirm any other details about the game so you can expect huge amounts of rumors and speculations to appear before the official announcement is made, probably next year.

Until then, however, Call of Duty fans should rest assured that a new game is coming to satisfy their urge of military first person shooting.