Dec 22, 2010 16:56 GMT  ·  By

“TRON: Legacy” star Garrett Hedlund is the latest celebrity to have been caught smoking what looks like an illegal substance. After video shot by paparazzi emerged online, the actor denied he was smoking weed.

After the debacle with Miley Cyrus’ video with the salvia bong, paparazzi seem to have found themselves a new “money shot”: catching celebrities getting high. Allegedly.

TMZ has video of Hedlund from earlier this year, chatting with a woman in a parking lot. After some flirting on her side and plenty of gesturing on his, he lights up what looks like a joint – and then shares it with her.

Unfortunately, no one can hear what he’s saying in such an animated fashion, because the paparazzi videotaping him are at a safe distance in their own car. That he’s smoking is clearly seen, though – at about the 1.30-minute mark.

“TMZ has obtained video of ‘Tron’ star Garrett Hedlund smoking some sort of funky cigarette on the streets of Montreal earlier this year but he insists it wasn’t weed,” TMZ writes.

Apparently, paps made the video back in August, when Hedlund was on location for “On the Road,” also starring “Twilight” star Kristen Stewart. It’s unknown why it took so long for it to surface online.

“Hedlund pulls a lighter and a ‘cigarette’ out of his pocket and, telling a very animated story for about a minute ... finally lights it and takes two drags. After the second drag, he passes it to an unidentified female, who gladly partakes,” TMZ writes.

The actor’s defense is even better than Miley Cyrus’ salvia explanation, the e-zine goes on to write. According to his rep, Garrett couldn’t have been smoking weed for a very simple reason: he wouldn’t compromise himself like that when cameras are around.

“He would never smoke pot in front of all those paparazzi,” his spokesperson says for TMZ. Here is the video, check it out and judge for yourself.