According to a recent tweet

Jul 24, 2009 18:31 GMT  ·  By

The gaming industry is a very big one, meaning that profit needs to be extracted by every means possible, especially in these tough economic times that have had an impact on the purchasing power of the end user.

But one title that is definitely on the must-buy lists of many gamers around the world is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the follow-up to the hugely successful and critically acclaimed first Modern Warfare.

The game has just received a news update via Robert Bowling's Twitter account, who is the community manager over at Infinity Ward, the developer of the title, about the creation of a dedicated Modern Warfare 2 controller. “In a design meeting for a #MW2 controller. Need your advice - Concave or Convex grips for the Analog sticks? Whats [sic] your preference and why?,” reads the tweet from Bowling's account.

It would seem that Activision, which is handling the publishing of the game, isn't content with charging a lot of money for the two separate special editions of the title, and will also offer, when the title will appear in November, a special controller for fans to get the most out of their title and for the company to get the most money out of their customers' pockets.

Bowling did mention though that the controller would be developed by neither Activision nor Infinity Ward, so it is getting more and more likely that another company, like Mad Catz, specialized in creating peripheral controllers, will handle this project.

Either way, what do you think about this interesting piece of news? Is it really worth your hard earned money to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with a dedicated peripheral, or will the console controllers or the mouse and keyboard setup be alright with you? Leave us a comment with your choice of controllers.