New details about the game teased

May 22, 2009 20:11 GMT  ·  By

BioShock was one of the most interesting games of 2007, revealing a rich, new world to players who were extremely interested in the enemies and the power that was literally at their fingertips, thanks to the weapons and special abilities present in it.

Now, as BioShock 2 is getting ready to be launched by 2K Marin, the teasing and hype campaign is reaching critical mass. We've already seen the campaign before its official announcement, the gameplay videos, but now GamePro magazine is teasing a big report on the game, complete with concept art of the title's main character, the prototype Big Daddy, which will be available to players.

The first design of the lumbering Big Daddy is much more faster, versatile in combat and, overall, a force to be reckoned with. But don't think that this will make his voyage through Rapture much easier, as GamePro suggests that the Big Sister won't be the single greatest enemy in the title, meaning that the arm-mounted drill, the Rivet Gun and the new plasmids will have to be put to good use.

Besides the new details on the story, the new multiplayer mode also gets analyzed by the magazine, as it will act as a prequel to the first game and will be very important to the overall story of Rapture and the franchise. A few tips and tricks about the new weapons and the plasmids will be present, including “ the ultimate plasmid combo,” which might be very useful in the tough moments in BioShock 2.

As the July issue of the magazine is right now being sent to subscribers, be sure to check back, as the information will surely be posted on the Internet by those who have already read the magazine in advance. Until then, though, BioShock 2 is still a pretty mysterious place for fans who can hardly wait for the game to be launched at the end of the year.