Start killing others online this Saturday on your PlayStation 3

Sep 2, 2011 19:21 GMT  ·  By

Ubisoft will kick off the multiplayer beta stage for its upcoming Assassin’s Creed: Revelations video game tomorrow, Saturday, September 3, for PlayStation Plus members and PlayStation 3 owners who already have their accounts linked to the Uplay network.

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations is by far one of the most anticipated games of the end of the year, especially since Ubisoft promises to answer many questions from fans of the series about its main characters and the big number of conspiracy theories it's been sharing with them in the last few titles.

In order to further refine the multiplayer mode of the game, Ubisoft announced last month that an online beta stage will be held, limited just to the PlayStation 3, and then to PlayStation Plus members, as well as those who have their PSN ID linked to their uPlay one.

The time has finally arrived to kick off the multiplayer beta, with Ubisoft unleashing it tomorrow, September 3, and keeping it online until September 11.

"As you enter the Animus environment with other Agents, you’ll assume a persona, develop advanced Abilities, customize your appearance and neutralize your targets," Ubisoft revealed. "Abstergo’s cutting-edge Animus technology simulates a wide variety of historical locations and objectives, where you will sharpen your skills and become the ultimate Templar weapon."

During the beta, players can control nine different characters, whose skill sets can be changed depending on the style of the users.

Three maps will be available in the beta stage, including Knight's Hospital and Antioch, as well as Constantinople, which is going to be deployed at a later time in the testing stage.

Four modes can be experienced, two returning from the previous Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Wanted and Manhunt, while two are all-new, in the form of Deathmatch and Artifact Assault.

Eight abilities can be unlocked during play, while various perks, streaks or loss bonuses can be obtained in a multiplayer match. The level cap is set to 30 for the beta, but Ubisoft highlights that the final game may have a higher one.

For the full details on the Assassin’s Creed: Revelations multiplayer beta stage that starts tomorrow, check out Ubisoft's own webpage on the subject here.