Jan 2, 2011 12:51 GMT  ·  By

By the time you are reading this, it's already the second day of January 2011, a new and possibly great year for gaming.

But to start it off, you could do worse than reading a Weekend Reading piece about what could happen in the next 360 and change days and an EndWeekGame segment about how we will begin out gaming for the year.

We also have our series of GOTY awards for 2010, which you can read through.

And, of course, a selection of news from the week that has passed.

On Monday we talked about the future of Mario, with Shigeru Miyamoto, the main developer behind the character, saying that Mario Kart 3D will be one of the most exciting titles to be released for the Nintendo 3DS handheld, the one which pushes three dimensional experiences without the glasses.

On the same day Bobby Kotick, the chief executive officer of Activision, has stated that the popularity of his company's Call of Duty: Black Ops first person shooter is linked to the fact that it offers a social experience that can be compared to that delivered by Facebook.

On Tuesday it was all about one of the most expected video games of 2011, Dragon Age 2, with the developers offering some more information, including the fact that the game will offer three pre made choices for those who are not interested in importing a save game from either Dragon Age: Origins or from its Awakenings expansion.

The team working at BioWare has also stated that they plan to improve the quality of downloadable content that it will push out for their role-playing game, learning from the mistakes made for Origins.

Wednesday was concerned with blockbusters, with Call of Duty: Black Ops certified as being the most pirated PC based video game of 2010, which goes along nicely with its title of best sold title for the same period.

At the same time, the developers working at Naughty Dog have talked a bit about one of the big releases of 2011, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, saying that their intention is not to deliver a true open world game but a more directed experience.

On Thursday Fallout: New Vegas was said to be getting more DLC, based around Ulysses, while the attractiveness of Angry Birds is explained by specialists.