Dinosaur Joins Astronauts Aboard the International Space Station

Dinosaur Joins Astronauts Aboard the International Space Station

The stuffed toy was made by astronaut Karen Nyberg for her 3-year-old son

Starlight Inception Beta Preview

Starlight Inception Beta Preview

Here's a quick preview of the ambitious indie space simulation game Starlight Inception

Rock Found on Mars Is Surprisingly Earth-like, Scientists Say

Rock Found on Mars Is Surprisingly Earth-like, Scientists Say

The Curiosity rover found this rock a few weeks after landing on the Red Planet

“Jekyll and Hyde” Star 18,000 Light-Years from Earth Can Change Its Form

“Jekyll and Hyde” Star 18,000 Light-Years from Earth Can Change Its Form

The star switches from being a radio pulsar to being an X-ray pulsar and back again

Cat's Paw Nebula Looks Stunning in Picture Taken by New Space Camera

Cat's Paw Nebula Looks Stunning in Picture Taken by New Space Camera

The Cat's Paw Nebula sits in the constellation Scorpius, 5,500 light-years from Earth

Iran Announces Plans to Send Persian Cat into Space

Iran Announces Plans to Send Persian Cat into Space

A mouse and a rabbit are being "interviewed" for future flights

The First Robot Words Aboard the International Space Station Channeled Neil Armstrong

The First Robot Words Aboard the International Space Station Channeled Neil Armstrong

Kirobo's first spoken words in space were inspired by the first words on the moon

Study: How Giant Black Holes Spin

Study: How Giant Black Holes Spin

A study puts a new twist to what was known about calculating black hole spin rates

  • Games
  • By Andrei Dumitrescu
  • July 25th, 2013
Gearbox COO: Homeworld’s Ships and Stories Are Impressive

Gearbox COO: Homeworld’s Ships and Stories Are Impressive

The game can be updated to suit modern gaming tastes

Watch: Bill Nye Explains How We Could Stop an Asteroid Headed for Earth

Watch: Bill Nye Explains How We Could Stop an Asteroid Headed for Earth

The Science Guy offers some advice about protecting the planet against an asteroid

Colliding Dead Stars Spawn Loads of Gold

Colliding Dead Stars Spawn Loads of Gold

Scientists explain gold can only be born in cataclysmic events

Watch: Giant Black Hole Gulps Down Gas Cloud, Stretches It Out like Spaghetti

Watch: Giant Black Hole Gulps Down Gas Cloud, Stretches It Out like Spaghetti

The gas cloud is being pulled by the black hole's gravitational forces

Alien Space Probes Are Probably Lurking in Our Solar System, Scottish Scientists Say

Alien Space Probes Are Probably Lurking in Our Solar System, Scottish Scientists Say

The researchers say human society does not yet have the technology to detect these probes

  • Space
  • By Laura Sinpetru
  • July 17th, 2013
NASA's Plans to Tow an Asteroid near the Moon Will Probably Fail

NASA's Plans to Tow an Asteroid near the Moon Will Probably Fail

Many scientists think NASA is all talk, will accomplish nothing in the end

3D Printed NASA Rocket Engine Tested, All Lights Are Green

3D Printed NASA Rocket Engine Tested, All Lights Are Green

NASA calls it additive manufacturing but it's the same thing

Deep Blue Planet Spotted by Hubble Space Telescope

Deep Blue Planet Spotted by Hubble Space Telescope

Though blue, the planet is unlikely to host liquid water

Seven-Year-Old Writes to NASA Asking to Go to Mars, Gets a Great Reply

Seven-Year-Old Writes to NASA Asking to Go to Mars, Gets a Great Reply

The agency took the time to respond and encourage him to "reach for the stars"

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