Denver Zoo Now Home to Three Adorable Clouded Leopard Cubs

Denver Zoo Now Home to Three Adorable Clouded Leopard Cubs

Keepers say the cubs are named Pi, Rhu, and Saya, are all as cute as a button

Amur Leopard Cubs at Prague Zoo Are Growing Stronger Every Day

Amur Leopard Cubs at Prague Zoo Are Growing Stronger Every Day

Their mom is doing an excellent job looking after them, keepers say

Prague Zoo Welcomes Rare Amur Leopard Cubs

Prague Zoo Welcomes Rare Amur Leopard Cubs

The three cubs were born to mom Khanka and dad Kirin

Critically Endangered Amur Leopard Cubs Born at Jacksonville Zoo

Critically Endangered Amur Leopard Cubs Born at Jacksonville Zoo

Conservationists say Amur leopards are some of the world's rarest cats

Twin Persian Leopard Cubs Born in Russia's Sochi National Park

Twin Persian Leopard Cubs Born in Russia's Sochi National Park

One of the cubs was abandoned by its mother, is now being raised by conservationists

Persian Leopard Cubs Born in Russian National Park for the First Time in Half a Century

Persian Leopard Cubs Born in Russian National Park for the First Time in Half a Century

The cubs will one day be released in the Caucasus Mountains

Watch: First Look at Three Newborn Clouded Leopard Cubs

Watch: First Look at Three Newborn Clouded Leopard Cubs

The cubs were born at the Nashville Zoo towards the end of March