Webconverger 21 Internet Cafe Distro Is Now Based on Firefox 22

Webconverger 21 Internet Cafe Distro Is Now Based on Firefox 22

The latest version of Webconverger can be downloaded from Softpedia

Webconverger 19.1 Improves Nvidia WebGL Acceleration

Webconverger 19.1 Improves Nvidia WebGL Acceleration

The distribution has also received the new Mozilla Thunderbird 20.0

Webconverger 18.0 Distro Supports Video and Audio Calls

Webconverger 18.0 Distro Supports Video and Audio Calls

The distribution also received the new Mozilla Thunderbird 19.0

Webconverger 12.0 is Now Maintained Under GIT

Webconverger 12.0 is Now Maintained Under GIT

It also comes with a new new boot menu and subscription service

Webconverger 11.2 Has Firefox 10

Webconverger 11.2 Has Firefox 10

This Linux distribution also comes with Linux kernel 3.2