McDonald's Is Back with Its McRib Sandwich for Christmas

McDonald's Is Back with Its McRib Sandwich for Christmas

"McRib is Back!" signs spotted outside McDonald's restaurants

Lay's Debuts Pepsi-Chicken Flavor Potato Chips in China

Lay's Debuts Pepsi-Chicken Flavor Potato Chips in China

The resulting product is spicy and sweet, reminiscent of the barbecue chip

Roommate Killed in Shooting over Pork Chop in Florida

Roommate Killed in Shooting over Pork Chop in Florida

He allegedly told his other roommates “that should be enough” as he was loading his rifle

Pizza Chain Debuts Pizza Hut Perfume in Canada

Pizza Chain Debuts Pizza Hut Perfume in Canada

100 Canadians received the perfume for free, as part of an online marketing campaign

Google Glasses Make Us Eat Less

Google Glasses Make Us Eat Less

Due to the AR glasses’ rescale tool, we eat less, as our food seems bigger

Spotlight: Culinary Misfits Sees the “Inner Beauty” of Ugly Vegetables

Spotlight: Culinary Misfits Sees the “Inner Beauty” of Ugly Vegetables

Quasimodo-like carrots and turnips finally get the appreciation they deserve

Artist Paints Incredibly Realistic Food Images

Artist Paints Incredibly Realistic Food Images

The painter recreates fast-food meals, salads and sweets

Family Finds Live Lizard in Supermarket Salad Bag

Family Finds Live Lizard in Supermarket Salad Bag

The animal was discovered as the father prepared to make sandwiches

Company Invents Deo Perfume Candy – the Edible Deodorant

Company Invents Deo Perfume Candy – the Edible Deodorant

Eating the candy will supposedly make your sweat smell better

  • Green
  • By Laura Sinpetru
  • November 2nd, 2012
500 Cats Saved from Being Served as Food in Chinese Restaurants

500 Cats Saved from Being Served as Food in Chinese Restaurants

While the animals were crammed in a truck, the driver said he was transporting rabbits

How to Cook an Omelet with No Frying Pan, Using Sand, in the Desert

How to Cook an Omelet with No Frying Pan, Using Sand, in the Desert

Check out how the San bushmen cook omelets in the African Kalahari Desert

Download Microsoft’s Edibly App for iPhone and iPad

Download Microsoft’s Edibly App for iPhone and iPad

Tracking 150+ fresh food vendors at Pike Place Market

Spotlight: Laser Knife Concept to Cut Fruits and Vegetables

Spotlight: Laser Knife Concept to Cut Fruits and Vegetables

The resulting slices would be as small as one millimeter

Participants in Study Paid to Eat Fast Food, Gain Weight

Participants in Study Paid to Eat Fast Food, Gain Weight

Candidates will eat an extra 1,000 calories from fast food meals each day

Two Men Banned from Restaurant Because of Eating Too Much

Two Men Banned from Restaurant Because of Eating Too Much

These men loved Mongolian cuisine so much they almost bankrupted the owner

Watch: 'Big Bang Theory' Star Invites Us to Trash Meat

Watch: 'Big Bang Theory' Star Invites Us to Trash Meat

Mayim Bailik speaks in favor of vegetarianism, supports PETA's work

Sniffing Out the Source of Contaminated Food

Sniffing Out the Source of Contaminated Food

New, probability-based method developed in the US

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