Dark Chocolate Is Kind of like Coffee, Can Keep You Alert

Dark Chocolate Is Kind of like Coffee, Can Keep You Alert

Researchers say dark chocolate acts as a stimulant, activates the brain and can help people stay focused

Watch: Here's Why You Should Start Eating More Chocolate

Watch: Here's Why You Should Start Eating More Chocolate

If this educational video won't make your day, it's safe to assume that nothing will

  • Health
  • By Laura Sinpetru
  • June 6th, 2014
Compound in Red Wine Benefits the Memory, Evidence Indicates

Compound in Red Wine Benefits the Memory, Evidence Indicates

The compound is known as resveratrol, is also found in dark chocolate

Chocolate That's Good for the Heart Could Soon Hit Supermarket Shelves

Chocolate That's Good for the Heart Could Soon Hit Supermarket Shelves

Tests have shown that Acticoa increases the elasticity of blood vessels

Dark Chocolate Kills Cholesterol

Dark Chocolate Kills Cholesterol

Dark chocolate has its deep, even darker secrets