Campaign Drops Coinminer on Linux Boxes Using Old Elasticsearch Vulnerabilities

Campaign Drops Coinminer on Linux Boxes Using Old Elasticsearch Vulnerabilities

Actors pivot to other network devices from infected machines

CyptoJacking Campaign Used Two Malware Strains to Target IoT and Linux Devices

CyptoJacking Campaign Used Two Malware Strains to Target IoT and Linux Devices

Linux Rabbit and Rabbot install CNRig and CoinHive miners

Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Discovered Targeting Seagate NAS Hard Drives

Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Discovered Targeting Seagate NAS Hard Drives

Malware authors have made around $86,400, so far

Crypto-Currency Miner Pushed as PUP, Ramps Up Your GPU Card Usage

Crypto-Currency Miner Pushed as PUP, Ramps Up Your GPU Card Usage

Crook: Ads are boring, lets mine for crypto-currencies!