Watch: The Chemistry Behind Movie Explosions

Watch: The Chemistry Behind Movie Explosions

There are plenty of movies out there that owe their popularity to big explosions, here is the science behind the blasts

Atoms Seen Cozying Up to Each Other, Birthing a New Molecule

Atoms Seen Cozying Up to Each Other, Birthing a New Molecule

Scientists expect this new insight into how molecules form will help them better understand chemical reactions

Watch: Introducing 5 of the World's Most Dangerous Chemicals

Watch: Introducing 5 of the World's Most Dangerous Chemicals

Some chemicals can kill in concentrations of just one millionth of a gram, others smell so bad they can make you faint

Watch: The Truth Serum Is Real, and Here's How It Works

Watch: The Truth Serum Is Real, and Here's How It Works

Science video explains what the much-acclaimed truth serum really is and how it affects the human body

Pen Can 3D Print at Nanoscale Level, Drawable Nanites Coming Next

Pen Can 3D Print at Nanoscale Level, Drawable Nanites Coming Next

The ability is quite simply astonishing in execution

Watch: This Is What Happens to the Human Body After Death

Watch: This Is What Happens to the Human Body After Death

Science video details the changes the human body goes through after the gloomy encounter with the Grim Reaper

Watch: The Chemistry Behind Pizza's Exquisite Taste

Watch: The Chemistry Behind Pizza's Exquisite Taste

Video details the reactions that must take place in order for pizza to turn into the flavor bonanza we love and adore

Watch: Why Toothpaste Makes Orange Juice Taste Bitter

Watch: Why Toothpaste Makes Orange Juice Taste Bitter

Science video explains why people prefer to stay away from orange juice shortly after having brushed their teeth

Salt Used to Make Alcohol Droplets Navigate a Maze on Their Own

Salt Used to Make Alcohol Droplets Navigate a Maze on Their Own

Researchers say such moving droplets could one day be used to deliver medicine to very specific targets

Watch: Why Beer Sometimes Smells and Tastes like a Skunk's Behind

Watch: Why Beer Sometimes Smells and Tastes like a Skunk's Behind

Science video explains the chemical reactions behind a phenomenon commonly referred to as beer skunking

Watch: Why Leaves Change Color in Autumn, as Explained by Science

Watch: Why Leaves Change Color in Autumn, as Explained by Science

Pure chemistry explains why trees undergo a major makeover each and every autumn, science video says

Watch: The Anatomy and Chemistry of Your Smartphone Explained

Watch: The Anatomy and Chemistry of Your Smartphone Explained

Science video details the chemical elements used to make smartphones, explains what each of these elements does

Watch: Why Bacon Smells Divine, As Explained by Science

Watch: Why Bacon Smells Divine, As Explained by Science

Video details why it is that bacon smells incredibly good when cooked

Scientists Figure Out How to 3D Print Crystalline Structures

Scientists Figure Out How to 3D Print Crystalline Structures

They didn't even have to invent new software for it

FIFA 14 Ultimate Team of the Week Includes Messi, Gerrard, Silva, More

FIFA 14 Ultimate Team of the Week Includes Messi, Gerrard, Silva, More

Gamers can upgrade their own club to beat their competitors

Salt Can Sometimes Violate Chemical Predictions

Salt Can Sometimes Violate Chemical Predictions

Researchers used to think they understood this material in detail

Google Now Shows 3D Molecule Models in Results

Google Now Shows 3D Molecule Models in Results

A nice touch for anyone interested in chemistry in any way

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