Users Warned of Possible Fake ALS Donation Websites in Ice Bucket Challenge

Users Warned of Possible Fake ALS Donation Websites in Ice Bucket Challenge

Crooks are likely to start taking advantage of the popularity of the challenge

Fake Swing Copters Game Seen in Google Play

Fake Swing Copters Game Seen in Google Play

Some scammy versions came with a price tag, no longer in marketplace

Free $1000 Gift Card from Kmart – Facebook Scam

Free $1000 Gift Card from Kmart – Facebook Scam

If it seems too good to be true, take a moment and check it

Windows Store Crawling with Scammy Apps But No Malware in Sight

Windows Store Crawling with Scammy Apps But No Malware in Sight

Fake apps charge for download instructions of original, free software

Dyre Banking Trojan Delivered in JPMorgan Phishing Email

Dyre Banking Trojan Delivered in JPMorgan Phishing Email

Banking information targeted in multivariant attack

Fake Security Products Impersonate Reputable Brands In Tech Support Scam - Video

Fake Security Products Impersonate Reputable Brands In Tech Support Scam - Video

Bogus webpages, browser fixers, and three-year payment for fake software

Apple Account Validation Phishing Scam

Apple Account Validation Phishing Scam

Potential victims are lured to fake website that collects Apple account credentials

Sylvester Stallone Died in Horrible Car Accident – Facebook Scam

Sylvester Stallone Died in Horrible Car Accident – Facebook Scam

Scammers try to steal personal information from the potential victim

Bitcoin Phishing Click Rate Higher than for Regular Scams

Bitcoin Phishing Click Rate Higher than for Regular Scams

Employees in over 400 organizations received the phishing emails

New Facebook Scam Baits with Promise of Gross Video

New Facebook Scam Baits with Promise of Gross Video

Scam relies on harmless prank but can have dire consequences

HSBC Bank Customers Targeted by Phishing

HSBC Bank Customers Targeted by Phishing

Location of the fraudulent website is in Iran's capital city, Tehran

$250 McDonalds Gift Card – Facebook Scam

$250 McDonalds Gift Card – Facebook Scam

Old scams die hard, this one has been spotted since 2011

Phishing Campaign Targets Advertiser

Phishing Campaign Targets Advertiser

Scammers failed to carry out their malicious plans

New Phishing and Malware Campaigns Use Ebola Virus Epidemic as Bait

New Phishing and Malware Campaigns Use Ebola Virus Epidemic as Bait

Researchers discover four campaigns trying to compromise user computers

Video of Girl Killed by Husband – Facebook Scam

Video of Girl Killed by Husband – Facebook Scam

Crooks deliver malware that gathers details about the computer

Flash Player Scam Respawns on Google Play

Flash Player Scam Respawns on Google Play

Victims asked to transfer money via PayPal to install Flash Player

Robin Williams’ ‘Goodbye’ Video - Facebook Scam

Robin Williams’ ‘Goodbye’ Video - Facebook Scam

Scammers take potential victims to fake BBC News page

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