Microsoft Announces Brussels Transparency Center

Microsoft Announces Brussels Transparency Center

The company claims that it’s making another step to protect customer data

Hacker Club Sues German Government and Intelligence Agencies over NSA Spying

Hacker Club Sues German Government and Intelligence Agencies over NSA Spying

It's been a long time coming, but lawsuits based on Snowden's files start adding up and they're gonna keep stacking

Darktrace, the Company That Could Have Ruined Snowden's Whistleblowing Plans

Darktrace, the Company That Could Have Ruined Snowden's Whistleblowing Plans

The company keeps track of unusual network activity

Transparency Is Key When It Comes to App Data Collection, Says Developer

Transparency Is Key When It Comes to App Data Collection, Says Developer

Now that it's known the NSA and GCHQ piggyback their way into phones, transparency is key

Vice Admiral Michael Rogers to Be the Next NSA Chief

Vice Admiral Michael Rogers to Be the Next NSA Chief

After Alexander retires, in the next couple of months, Rogers will take the lead

Canadian Spies Worked with NSA to Track Travelers Who Used Airport WiFi

Canadian Spies Worked with NSA to Track Travelers Who Used Airport WiFi

The system was tested out by the NSA and CSEC in a Canadian airport, documents from the Snowden stash indicate

NSA Spying on UN Summit in Denmark Is Illegal, Say Experts

NSA Spying on UN Summit in Denmark Is Illegal, Say Experts

The NSA was breaking both local laws and an international convention by spying on UN Summit in Denmark

NSA Spied on UN Climate Change Summit

NSA Spied on UN Climate Change Summit

The monitoring began before the event started and continued throughout the meetings, documents indicate

US Intelligence Director Demands That Snowden and Accomplices Return Documents

US Intelligence Director Demands That Snowden and Accomplices Return Documents

James Clapper is tired of NSA secrets being published by the media

Viviane Redding Accuses EU Members of Hypocrisy Due to Stance on Mass Surveillance

Viviane Redding Accuses EU Members of Hypocrisy Due to Stance on Mass Surveillance

If the EU wants to be credible, it needs to get its own laws in order

Bitdefender: As NSA Spies Smartphone Users, Apps Pose Privacy Risk

Bitdefender: As NSA Spies Smartphone Users, Apps Pose Privacy Risk

The apps you have installed on your phone may be getting more information than you think or allow them to

Angela Merkel Warns That US Mass Surveillance Leads to Less Security

Angela Merkel Warns That US Mass Surveillance Leads to Less Security

During a speech, Merkel discussed the NSA surveillance programs

Developer Group Backed by Google Slams NSA over App Spying

Developer Group Backed by Google Slams NSA over App Spying

The recently reported programs hurt privacy and developers

British Intelligence Agency GCHQ Chief to Step Down

British Intelligence Agency GCHQ Chief to Step Down

The official version is that this was a "planned" step

NSA Hires Privacy Officer, a Former Homeland Security Director

NSA Hires Privacy Officer, a Former Homeland Security Director

The new position won't really help make people more comfortable with the NSA's extensive spying practices

Angry Birds Website Allegedly Hacked After Reports of NSA and GCQH Spying

Angry Birds Website Allegedly Hacked After Reports of NSA and GCQH Spying

An unverified mirror is the only proof of the attack

Microsoft Says There Are No NSA Backdoors in Software Used by Australian Parliament

Microsoft Says There Are No NSA Backdoors in Software Used by Australian Parliament

Australian MPs worry that the US is spying on them

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