The system was tested out by the NSA and CSEC in a Canadian airport, documents from the Snowden stash indicate

Jan 31, 2014 09:01 GMT  ·  By

The Canadian intelligence agency extended a helping hand to the NSA and helped it test a system that tracked travelers passing through one of the country’s major airports via the WiFi connection.

According to CBC News, another set of Snowden documents reveal that the CSEC (Communications Security Establishment Canada) implemented a system that allowed it to track the devices connected to the airport’s WiFi days after it left the terminal.

According to sources, this was most likely illegal, since, according to Canadian law, the agency is prohibited from targeting Canadians or anyone in the country without a judicial warrant.

John Forster, CSEC chief, denied the allegations. However, security experts that have looked over the files say that the targets were most obviously in Canada at the time.

The files suggest that the system was tested by the NSA and the CSEC before expanding it to other nations.