Nuclear Fusion Achieved at US Advanced Laser Installation

Nuclear Fusion Achieved at US Advanced Laser Installation

This success comes after many years of hard work and no results

New Record for World's Highest-Power Laser Shot

New Record for World's Highest-Power Laser Shot

The record was established at an advanced research facility in the US

Lasers and Seismic Waves Promote Nuclear Fusion

Lasers and Seismic Waves Promote Nuclear Fusion

A team proposes a new method to achieve the reaction

One-Megajoule Laser Shot Achieved

One-Megajoule Laser Shot Achieved

Nuclear fusion ignition is brought closer

Non-Linear Physics Modeled with the Roadrunner

Non-Linear Physics Modeled with the Roadrunner

The fastest supercomputer advances the field of high-power lasers

The NIF Will Create a Star in the Lab

The NIF Will Create a Star in the Lab

By fusing deuterium and tritium atoms

NIF Ready to Prove Nuclear Fusion Sustainable

NIF Ready to Prove Nuclear Fusion Sustainable

It will soon be powered up

NIF Hurries to Finalize LASER Installation

NIF Hurries to Finalize LASER Installation

World`s largest laser system