Beautiful KDE Plasma 5.5.2 Desktop Arrives with a Few Fixes

Beautiful KDE Plasma 5.5.2 Desktop Arrives with a Few Fixes

This is just a maintenance release for KDE Plasma

Manjaro Linux 0.8.13 Pre1 Released for Testing with KDE Plasma 5.2.2 and Xfce 4.12

Manjaro Linux 0.8.13 Pre1 Released for Testing with KDE Plasma 5.2.2 and Xfce 4.12

Includes KDE Plasma 5.2.2, KDE Apps 14.12.3, and Xfce 4.12

KDE Plasma 5.2.2 Released with Over 150 Improvements, Prepares for Linux Kernel 4.0

KDE Plasma 5.2.2 Released with Over 150 Improvements, Prepares for Linux Kernel 4.0

This is the bugfix release of March of KDE Plasma 5