Netrunner Rolling Is Back After One and a Half Years, It's Based on Arch Linux

Netrunner Rolling Is Back After One and a Half Years, It's Based on Arch Linux

Netrunner Rolling 2017.07 is now available for download

Linux Kernel 4.12 Coming Soon to openSUSE Tumbleweed, KDE Plasma 5.10.3 Is Here

Linux Kernel 4.12 Coming Soon to openSUSE Tumbleweed, KDE Plasma 5.10.3 Is Here

KDE Frameworks 5.35.0 and CUPS 2.2.3 arrived as well

KDE Plasma 5.10.3 Desktop Environment Improves Plasma Discover's Flatpak Backend

KDE Plasma 5.10.3 Desktop Environment Improves Plasma Discover's Flatpak Backend

A total of 36 changes are included in this third update