FCC Says They're Considering Reclassifying ISPs

FCC Says They're Considering Reclassifying ISPs

This move would give FCC the power to enforce net neutrality

FCC's Final Stats: 3.7 Million Comments on Net Neutrality

FCC's Final Stats: 3.7 Million Comments on Net Neutrality

The battle for net neutrality is nearing its end and the results are all in the hands of the FCC members

Canonical Joins Internet Slowdown Day Protest

Canonical Joins Internet Slowdown Day Protest

The FCC's decision regarding Net Neutrality in the US will affect everyone

The Battle for Net Neutrality Starts Next Week with Internet Slowdown Day

The Battle for Net Neutrality Starts Next Week with Internet Slowdown Day

Many sites will display the ever-loading icon in order to promote net neutrality