Malware Alert: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Murdered

Malware Alert: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Murdered

Cybercriminals are leveraging Chavez's death to distribute malware

Beware of Scams Leveraging the Death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

Beware of Scams Leveraging the Death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

The death of renowned individuals is always exploited by cybercrooks

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Dies [CNN]

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Dies [CNN]

Nation is in mourning after El Comandante loses battle with cancer

Hugo Chavez Hires 200 People to Handle His Twitter Account

Hugo Chavez Hires 200 People to Handle His Twitter Account

He has a quarter of a million followers in just two weeks

Venezuela's Chavez Asks for Stricter Internet Regulation

Venezuela's Chavez Asks for Stricter Internet Regulation

To prevent the spread of "false rumors"

  • Games
  • By Andrei Dumitrescu
  • January 19th, 2010
Central Interference: Hugo Chavez Thinks Videogames Are Poison

Central Interference: Hugo Chavez Thinks Videogames Are Poison

Sony and Nintendo are singled out

Honduras Army Overthrows President

Honduras Army Overthrows President

Shots were fired during the ensuing protests