Feedback app entry calls for third-party keyboards in the OS

Feb 24, 2016 06:14 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft already has a pretty advanced keyboard on Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile, but the company has recently purchased SwiftKey, which is currently the top third-party keyboard on Android and iOS.

And although Redmond hasn’t disclosed its plans for SwiftKey (everyone expects the company to offer some sort of integration of WordFlow into SwiftKey), Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile users still want to be provided with more choices, and it’s easy to see why.

Android and iOS users can choose from a wide variety of third-party keyboards while on Windows 10 Mobile the only thing they get is the default keyboard.

But Windows Phone users are now joining forces to convince Microsoft to allow and bring third-party keyboards on Windows 10 Mobile as well, and a post in the Feedback app is supposed to show the company that such a feature is quite important for its user base.

“Windows Phone is left behind”

The reddit user who posted the suggestion, and who’s getting the support of the community, explains that, without third-party keyboards, Windows 10 Mobile users are left behind in the race against Android and iOS.

“It is 2016 and while the rival platforms iOS and Android introduced 3rd Party Keyboards support years ago, Windows Phone/Windows Mobile is, yet again, left in the cold,” he posted.

Certainly, that’s true, but the same idea extends to pretty much all apps available in the store, as there still are a lot of programs that are offered on Android and iOS and that have only the slightest chances to arrive on Windows 10 Mobile.

Google’s apps are probably the best example, as they’re already available for download on rival platforms (and also being used by a large number of Windows consumers), but the Mountain View search giant has no intention of bringing them on Windows 10 or Windows 10 Mobile.

If you want to vote for this suggestion in the Feedback app, click this link (in most of the cases, opening it with Microsoft Edge automatically launches the Feedback app).