Emma Stone would be the perfect action movie star

Sep 29, 2015 02:08 GMT  ·  By

The superhero movie genre remains almost exclusively a boys’ club: this is the premise for the latest video from Vulture Mag, today’s suggestion for Viral of the Day. What if the roles were reversed and a girl would suddenly get all those superpowers? What would that movie look like?

It would probably be awesome, if Emma Stone was in it.

The first female superhero releases, Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel, don’t drop until 2017 and 2018, so until then, the public will have to make do with supporting female characters only. And with this video, a fake (but a rather convincing one) trailer for “Spider-Gwen.”

If Gwen had been bitten by the radioactive spider instead of Peter Parker, Spider-Gwen would have been born. She would have been torn between her duty as a daughter and her desire to protect the city, and Stone would have had both the acting skills and the badassery to carry the role.

Apparently, she would have no love interest, because she wouldn’t need to be defined by her relationship with a man. Or maybe she just ended up not finding Peter that interesting after all.

The faux trailer uses footage from Sony’s now-defunct franchise “The Amazing Spider-Man” 1 and 2, but also from the Oscar-winning “Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance).” Cosplayer Julianne Cancalosi acts as stand-in for Stone for the action scenes.

Here it is, enjoy!