White House event honored the LGBT community

Jun 25, 2015 14:54 GMT  ·  By
US President Barack Obama remains unfazed by White House heckler, handles the situation like a pro
   US President Barack Obama remains unfazed by White House heckler, handles the situation like a pro

You can’t just go into a man’s house and be disrespectful towards him, and this also applies when said house is the White House. During an address on LGBT rights held by US President Barack Obama at the White House, a heckler almost managed to get him to lose his cool before being escorted off the premises by security.


As you can see in the video below, the moment Obama was interrupted by the heckler, his answer was blunt but still polite: “Nonononono. No no no no no no.” He tried to argue that they were in his house and that it was a lack of respect towards him as a host to be interrupted this way and not be allowed to finish what he was saying.

The heckler wouldn’t listen, so Obama asked security to step in, but not before saying “Shame on you” a few times. Even other members of the audience yelled it back at the heckler, together with loud boos.

The Daily Mail has identified the heckler as trans-woman Jennicet Gutierrez, who hails from Mexico and says she came to the US as an undocumented immigrant. She was trying to tell Obama he needed to close deportation centers because of the abuse trans-people suffered there.

Gutierrez was a plus one at the event, with her date admitting to the press later that the event was planned “to raise awareness.” She also said they left without incident when security came over, so chances are Gutierrez isn’t feeling any kind of “shame” for what she did.