The coompany will deliver a new Unity plug-in

Mar 21, 2016 22:35 GMT  ·  By

The team at Valve in charge of virtual reality says that it is currently working on technology that it will allow it to reduce the hardware power required to run VR experiences on the PC, which should make the new tech more accessible for gamers in the near future.

At the moment, gamers who want to run titles on the Vive from Valve and HTC need to have at least an Nvidia GTX 970, but Alex Vlacho, one of the developers working on the concept, says that the requirements can be lowered.

He is quoted by UploadVR as stating during the Game Developers Conference that, "I can run Aperture on a 680 without dropping frames at a lower quality, and, for me, that’s enough of a proof of concept. Most art we’re seeing in VR isn’t as dense as that. So we should be pretty good to go… everything should be able to support that low-end hardware. But we need the right safety nets in place."

Valve is also working on a special plug-in for the Unity engine that will be launched in the coming weeks and will allow developers to render virtual reality scenes with increased efficiency.

The Vive is one of the VR options for PC gamers

Gamers can pick up the platform from Valve and HTC starting April for the price of 800 dollars or Euro, which includes the headset, associated components, the items required for living room movement tracking, and two handheld controllers.

Gamers who are in a rush to get access to virtual reality can get an Oculus Rift starting this month as long as they have placed a pre-order, but gamers have been critical of the high price of the platform and the limited number of units offered initially.

Sony has recently announced that it is launching its PlayStation VR platform, which will only work with the PlayStation 4, in October and that the core package will cost 399 dollars or Euro although it will also require a separate Camera peripheral to work.

The performance of all the core virtual reality solutions will depend on the kind of video games and experiences that are offered by the companies and developers associated with them on launch.

Microsoft is not interested in the current VR revolution but is working on its own HoloLens, which is designed to offer an augmented reality experience but does not currently have a consumer version.