Your home's safety and electricity bills are now monitored

Sep 11, 2015 13:08 GMT  ·  By

Developed by the University of Washington researchers, MagnifiSense is a high-tech wristband that doesn't log your fitness adventures but how much your electricity bill will cost you in the end.

Although it might not seem fun at start (money is fun, isn’t it?), it might prove useful in the end since it tracks all your power consumption in your house so you know how much your electronics are inflating your bill. When tested by the researchers, they found out that the device can identify and differentiate 12 devices from each other, down to toothbrushes, lamps, laptops and even your car.

How does it do that, you may ask. Well, by "listening" to the electronic radiation they generate. Every device "sings" in a different way by generating "vocal cord patterns" so a car or a blender will emanate different electronic radiation waves than a washing machine.

From here on out, many applications were developed for MagnifiSense. For instance, it could monitor what sort of devices are being turned on, or simply left on when someone forgets to turn them off. This way the device can prevent tragedies like a fire or an explosion from happening.

Right, now the device is in a prototype stage so it doesn't look pretty but rather chunky. However, a scale down of the device will become possible in the future and sell it under license to a home electronics manufacturer.

MagnifiSense electricity tracking
MagnifiSense electricity tracking

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MagnifiSense will now let you know who's turned on what
MagnifiSense electricity tracking
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