The major update brings all sorts of new improvements

Jul 10, 2015 15:29 GMT  ·  By

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt patch 1.07 has just received a much bigger official changelog from developer CD Projekt Red, but there's still no word on when PC, PS4, or Xbox One users will be able to download the long-awaited update for the sprawling role-playing game.

A lot of different patches and updates have appeared since the debut of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt back in May, as CD Projekt Red has ensured that all the major problems and bugs are remedied as soon as possible, while areas of concern are addressed depending on fan feedback.

At the beginning of the week, developer CD Projekt Red confirmed that patch 1.07 is going to launch this week and even provided a smaller changelog to show the most important enhancements and fixes included in the update.

Patch 1.07 gets a bigger changelog but still no release date

Now, CD Projekt Red Community Manager Marcin Momot showcases on the official forums a new, much bigger changelog for The Witcher 3 patch 1.07.

While it still features the improvements listed at the beginning of the week, such as the alternate movement style for Geralt or the enhanced inventory, the update's revised changelog also lists way more fixes.

These refinements mostly relate to various quests, not to mention various locations and dialog options that caused unexpected behavior for both protagonist Geralt as well as for the other non-playable characters.

The game's general stability is also enhanced by the new patch, while more game tips are going to be showcased on the loading screen, besides the already present ones.

All the available free downloadable content packs will be displayed in the Main Menu, Options, Downloadable Content category.

You can check out the full changelog below for The Witcher 3 update 1.07. The patch should be available for download next week across PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Still no word when exactly it will appear, unfortunately.

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