Touch ID does seem faster at first glance, though Face ID comes with a series of advantages in real-life conditions

Nov 1, 2017 10:18 GMT  ·  By

iPhone X is the first model that launches with Face ID facial recognition, and since no fingerprint sensor is available on the device, it’s important for this new feature to work flawlessly every time.

While the first impressions of several reviewers indicated that Face ID lacks consistency and sometimes fails to scan the face correctly to unlock devices depending on light conditions, there’s also a difference in terms of speed as compared to Touch ID. And it’s all being demoed in this GIF.

At first glance, Face ID does come with a delay and is a bit slower than Touch ID, especially because it requires one additional swipe before unlocking the device. This is a step that Apple has implemented in order to allow users to check out notifications on the lock screen because otherwise, users would jump straight to the home screen and miss their notifications.

Working at a natural angle

Another important thing that’s easily noticeable in the video is that Face ID appears to be working in a pretty natural position, so you won’t have to raise the device close to your face to unlock it. It’s mostly the angle you typically hold the phone in your hand to use it, though we’ve heard some testers saying there are moments when it doesn’t unlock unless you specifically point your sight to the Face ID camera.

Despite the delay, facial recognition does come with a series of advantages, including working with gloves during the winter and for those with sweaty hands. Also, Touch ID often failed after taking a shower or simply with a wet finger, while Face ID should work in all these cases with no issue whatsoever.

Demos have shown that Face ID, however, could be impacted by the surrounding lights, such as the ones that you typically find in stores.

Without a doubt, each comes with its own limitations, and it all depends on every individual to decide which one better fits their needs. Unfortunately, without a fingerprint sensor, the iPhone X appears to be a no-go for people who can’t live with facial recognition.

Face ID seems a little bit slower than Touch ID

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Face ID is currently exclusive to the iPhone X
Face ID seems a little bit slower than Touch ID
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