It doesn't even look like a street, it's more of a passage

Oct 21, 2015 22:18 GMT  ·  By

Vinarna Certovka, a street in the city of Prague in the Czech Republic, might just be the world's absolute narrowest. Mind you, it's so incredibly teeny tiny it doesn't even make sense calling it a street. Rather, it's more like a passage, and a freakishly small one at that. 

The street lies between two buildings in the old part of Prague, in a neighborhood called Mala Strana, and measures merely 19.6 inches (49.6 centimeters) across. Yup, we have TV screens much wider than Vinarna Certovka.

Interestingly, the street isn't all that long either. Quite the contrary, DM says it measures a measly 32 feet (9.7 meters) from one end to the other. As short as it is, it's not even a straight, simple line. Rather, it comes complete with a row of stone steps.

There are traffic lights installed on this street

Vinarna Certovka is so narrow that no more than a couple of people can hope to navigate it without getting stuck. True, there are ways to get around it, but it looks like folks quite enjoy traveling up and down this street rather than others near it.

To avoid unpleasant incidents like having people get stuck and need rescue, authorities in Prague have installed two traffic lights on this street, one at each end. The traffic lights were put there to make sure no more than two pedestrians at a time would try to squeeze through the street.

Then again, it's safe to assume that, if the pedestrians happen to be a bit plump around the middle, it's best if they wait their turn and try to worm their way down Vinarna Certovka one by one.

As petite as this street in Prague is, the Guinness World Record for the narrowest passage known to mankind is held by Spreuerhofstrasse in the city of Reutlingen in Germany. Apparently, this street measures just 12 inches (30.5 centimeters) across at its narrowest point.

Street in Prague is freakishly narrow (5 Images)

Street in Prague is freakishly narrow
The street measures just 19.6 inches (49.6 centimeters) acrossOnly two people can navigate this street at a time