The launch is tied with the promotion of in-game currency

Jan 25, 2016 17:05 GMT  ·  By

Capcom revealed information about the upcoming single-player campaign that will be added as a free DLC for Street Fighter V.

The new Street Fighter V is scheduled for release on February 16, but the game won't ship with an actual single-player campaign, or at least not something that can be considered as such.

To be fair, it's not likely that a lot of people will be buying this game to play that single player anyway, so delaying this feature and implementing it as a free DLC is probably the best way.

Street Fighter V has been in development for quite a while, and a lot of players managed to get their hands on the Beta version. The time for the final release is approaching and Capcom wants to settle some questions.

The game will provide some story and a few details about each character when it lands in February, so it's not likely they are shipping a black slate, but it probably takes them longer to finish the single player.

What is this single player all about?

"The character stories serve as a compelling prologue for the Street Fighter V cinematic story expansion, which will be released in June 2016 as a free update to all players. The story takes place between Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter III and bridges the events that happen in between the two stories. This is the first time in franchise history that fans will be able to play through this type of cinematic story experience in a Street Fighter game," Capcom explained in an email.

Of course, the single-player DLC is linked to the in-game currency, and players will get a chance at winning some of those credits in the campaign. The money can be used to unlock other characters.

Capcom already said that all the characters could be unlocked with in-game currency, but players will also be able to pay with real dollars to get these unlocked much faster.