A new era in fighting games starts with Street Fighter V

Feb 16, 2016 10:19 GMT  ·  By

Street Fighter V has been released by Capcom on PC and PlayStation 4, and it's one of the few cross-platform multiplayer games.

Street Fighter V is the newest fighting game from Capcom, and it's based on the Unreal 4 engine. The developers took their time building this new title in the series and used the power of the community to refine the gameplay with numerous Betas. This is a very different approach from Capcom, which aims to do things a little bit differently.

The company also decided to launch the game on PC at the same time with the PlayStation 4 version. It was a bold decision from Capcom, but the company noticed the immense success of the previous title in the series when it was ported for the PC players.

Single-player campaign to follow

Players won't find a single-player campaign in Street Fighter V, at least for now, but the developers plan to release one as a free DLC in the coming months.

"A cinematic story expansion will be released in June 2016 as a free update and over the course of 2016 (and beyond) further gameplay content, costumes, new challenges and balance system updates will continually be made available to all players," Capcom explained in their official announcement.

Besides the cross-platform feature that allows PC and PlayStation users to play against each other, the new game also brings other novelties. Capcom says that additional gameplay content can be earnable completely free of charge by completing various in-game challenges and receiving earned in-game currency, which is called Fight Money.

Of course, there is the other side of the coin. Players can skip the hard work needed to unlock content and pay for it with Zenny, which is also the in-game currency that can be bought with real money. The good news is that all content can be unlocked freely, and a new fighter is scheduled to make an appearance in March.

Multiplayer game means online issues

Since Street Fighter is a global phenomenon, some online problems were to be expected. Users have been complaining about the fact that they can't connect online. Both the PC and PlayStation users are affected. Reddit and the Steam forums are full of these reports, and the official Twitter account is keeping people up to date with the progress.

Capcom has acknowledged the issues, and they are working to fix the problem. Since this is launch day for Street Fighter V, the stress on the servers must be great. We'll keep you updated on their progress.

In the meantime, you can enjoy this huge collection of screenshots and the launch trailer.

Street Fighter V (32 Images)

Street Fighter V
Street Fighter V gamplay and charactersStreet Fighter V gamplay and characters