Capcom is exploring other tweaks for the mechanics

Feb 21, 2016 22:12 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Capcom that's working on Street Fighter V has a lot to deal with at the moment, after a less-than-satisfying launch for the fighting title, but it seems they are also exploring the future of the title and the possible addition of the much missed Arcade mode.

This means that the studio is looking into introducing a way for players to get into a classic three-round match against the computer-controlled opponent and they are promising that player feedback has been taken into account and that details might be introduced.

Capcom also says that it is exploring the idea of adding difficulty options for the story prolog of Street Fighter V, which many players believe is both too short and much too easy to complete right now.

At the moment the game is focused on online action, and gamers have been saying that they need more options for offline battles to get some practice before they face human opponents.

The company says that it wants players to offer as much information about their experience with the title in order to make sure that their ideas are taken into account when it comes to future updates for both content and mechanics.

When it comes to online matchmaking, Capcom believes that the game is stable and offering a solid experience for most of those who are looking for action.

The official blog states, "Matchmaking for Ranked and Casual is stable and is working as intended for most users. Some additional tweaks were made to the servers overnight, so players should actually be getting matches at a much faster rate now as well. We do understand this is not the case for everyone, and the amount of matches a user gets can vary by region."

Developers are also saying tweaks are being implemented for Battle Lounges and that the Fighter ID search should be working as intended for all users.

Street Fighter V is a hit with the competitive crowd

Despite the problems that the new fighting game has faced on launch, it seems that it is a solid experience for those who love the series because it has broken records for those who are singing up to play it at the coming EVO event.

Capcom has major long-term plans for Street Fighter V, and the first major update is set to drop during March and will include a new character, Alex, as well as access to the Online store that opens up new options for all the other characters.

According to the company, gamers can get everything the title has to offer using the currency that they earn from matches but an option to use real world money is also present.

In June, a full story mode for Street Fighter V, which will deliver a solid narrative for each of the featured fighters, will be launched, and according to Capcom, it will continue to tweak the core mechanics to improve balance while introducing new fighters via downloadable content packs.