Users need to be very sure of what they are doing

Dec 6, 2015 17:56 GMT  ·  By

One of the most requested features for the Steam client is the ability to remove games from the library, and it looks like Valve has finally made this option available to users in a hassle-free way.

Wanting to remove games from the library seems like a weird wish of the community members, but the truth is that it’s actually quite useful. If you’ve had a Steam account for a long time, it’s quite possible that you gathered a ton of games. This makes it difficult, or at least annoying, to surf through all of them to find something you might want to install.

Many of these games fall into two categories. Users might have really old titles that just take up space, and that won’t be played ever again, or they might have really bad games that have been bought or acquired over time from deals, bundles, or who knows how else.

Deleting the games from library is really simple

The option to delete the game is not exactly easy to spot and that’s probably a wise decision Valve made. All too often I would have deleted a game after being annoyed with it, and I would have regretted soon after.

From the Steam client, go to the Help menu and click on Steam Support. That will open a page in the internal Internet browser with various options. This is normally used for talking about the Steam support, but you can choose any game from the library (only the most recent are displayed), and choose the option “I want to remove permanently this game from my account.”

There is a small caveat here. If the game you’re deleting has been added with a Bundle Key, you will have to delete all the games that were added on that occasion. It’s not an ideal situation, as there might be some good games among those.

It’s also not clear whether users will be able to retrieve those games with the help of Valve, so be sure you’ve made the right decision when you choose to remove a game.