Over 1,900 Linux games are on sale for a week starting today

Nov 23, 2016 22:00 GMT  ·  By

As expected, Valve's Steam Autumn Sale 2016 kicked off today, just in time for Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, bringing great deals for over 7,000 games across all platforms and over 13,000 titles across all categories.

Steam Autumn Sale 2016 starts now, November 23, 2016, and ends Tuesday, November 29, at 10am Pacific Time (PT) or 6pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If you're a Linux gamer, then you should get your wallet ready because there are over 1,900 titles on sale, including the recently ported Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

Introducing Steam Awards

But this year's Steam Autumn Sale does not come alone, and Valve is proud to introduce, for the first time, the Steam Awards. What's Steam Awards? Well, imagine that you'll be able to nominate all of your favorite games, or the ones you don't like, for an award, be it good or bad, while earning XP and badges.

As soon as you vote the first game, a new Steam Awards Nomination Committee 2016 badge will be featured on your profile with 25 XP. Award games for each of the predefined categories, play at least one nominated game, and review or update the review of a game you nominated to level up the badge and gain more XP.

"In addition to discounts on thousands of great games, join the nomination process for the Steam Awards. Nominate your favorite games across a variety of categories, and earn profile XP and badges for participating! Your nominations will help determine the finalists for each category," reads today's announcement.

In December, during the Steam Winter Sale 2016, which is currently rumored to start around the date of December 22, you'll be able to vote on the winners for each nominated category. For more details, check out http://store.steampowered.com/SteamAwardNominations/. Happy shopping!