The application is currently released as a beta build

Jun 2, 2022 16:15 GMT  ·  By

Spotify has recently announced the launch of a dedicated app specifically aimed at Windows on ARM devices, though the release is currently in the beta stage.

Spotify explains that users who want to install this ARM build need to remove any other version of the client – keep in mind that Windows on ARM devices can still run Spotify using emulation, but a dedicated client obviously comes with several benefits in terms of optimizations.

“Please uninstall any previous versions of Spotify and install the Arm beta from the link above. Before doing so, make sure that you’re indeed using an Arm processor. The current version is There may be subsequent updates which will work much like those on the Desktop app,” the company explained.

Just one known issue

Despite being just a beta build, the application is pretty stable, coming with just a single known issue, as the company itself explains.

“There is currently one known issue with this release - some video Podcast episodes can't be played and trying to do so results in an error message about updating the Spotify client version. There is a workaround to this for those of you who want to play this content, but also want to test the beta and help us improve it. Just go to the Share option in the menu, copy the Web link and paste it in your browser to then watch it there in the web player instead,” the announcement reads.

Needless to say, the number one benefit comes down not only to performance but also to the battery optimizations that are available in a dedicated Windows on ARM build.

At this point, however, there’s no ETA available as to when Spotify plans to release the application as a final build, but the work on this front continues.