Agency trying to determine if iPhone bug involves a safety issue that would eventually cause phones to explode

Dec 14, 2016 10:47 GMT  ·  By

Apple has announced that it’s recalling certain iPhone 6s models that might be coming with a faulty battery causing devices to shut down unexpectedly, and now South Korea is pondering an investigation to help determine whether this involves a safety issue or not.

Apple’s recall was announced after China specifically required the company to look into reports of iPhones turning off at random times, with Cupertino originally saying that it discovered “a small number” of iPhone 6s units manufactured between September and October 2015 came with a bad battery.

Apple later admitted that the issue might involve more iPhones, promising a software update that would help determine how many models are actually affected.

The firm, however, clearly stated that this wasn’t a safety issue, pointing out that the phones shut down because the batteries were exposed to air longer than they were supposed to during the manufacturing process, leading to premature degradation.

“No explosion”

South Korea, however, wants to make sure that this is by no means a safety issue, as it happened in the case of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, and is currently considering launching an investigation against Apple that would eventually lead to a nationwide recall of all iPhone 6s models.

“The agency is well aware of recent iPhone issues and is taking a close look at it,” an official of the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) was quoted as saying by Korea Herald. “However, this does not mean that an investigation was launched.”

At this point, the agency is still discussing with Apple Korea on the recall program that the company launched for the said models, but it remains to be seen if an investigation is started.

What’s important to note, however, is that no iPhone caught fire because of this battery problem and this is the reason KATS hasn’t yet launched an official investigation.

Apple hasn’t yet issued a statement, but as per the company’s strategy, do not expect any information to be provided anytime soon.