Because walking on water is so last Testament

Oct 1, 2015 22:30 GMT  ·  By

Shepherd Bushiri is a man of God. Granted, there are many people who like to think of themselves as such, but Shepherd Bushiri really is special. Oh so special.

You see, this Christian preacher from Zimbabwe, who considers himself a prophet, is BFFs with the Almighty. They get along so well that God has blessed him to perform miracles, Shepherd Bushiri says.

Unfortunately, not everybody is willing to accept that Shepherd Bushiri is a holy man. So they make fun of him and his miracles, even call him names.

Enough is enough

Having people point at you and call you a fraud can torment even the most forgiving of souls, and not even Shepherd Bushiri is immune to such attacks on his holiness.

To put an end to the ill rumors going around about him, this self-proclaimed prophet has made a video showing him walk on air. The video, available below, is now viral.

The footage shows Shepherd Bushiri walking down a flight of stairs. Then, when he reaches the floor, he remains suspended for a few seconds, swinging his feet around.

Come to think about it, this hardly qualifies as walking. Not to be too technical, but there's no putting one foot in front of the other. All he does is swing, and not exactly gracefully.

Still, Shepherd Bushiri says walking on air is one of the miracles he's best at. He's done it a gazillion times and, with God by his side, he can do it anytime, anywhere.

“Walking in the air is one of my easiest things to do. I can do that anytime, anyplace,” the Christian preacher explains in an interview, which you'll also find below if you feel up for the challenge.

Many are the miracles he's performed

If you think walking on air is pretty darn impressive, wait till you hear about the other miracles Shepherd Bushiri has performed in the service of the Lord.

He's made money appear in empty purses, fixed washing machines or other broken appliances by praying over them, healed the sick and raised people from the dead.

Believe what you want about him, but there are thousands who believe in him and his miracles. Mind you, he has nearly 300,000 people following him on Facebook and another 13,000 on Twitter.

Not to make you feel bad or anything, but we're gonna go out on a limb here and assume that's more than you do. Jealous much?