The update brings over 250 fixes and balancing adjustments

Jul 28, 2020 17:31 GMT  ·  By

As expected, Rockstar released a new update for Red Dead Online that brings a new frontier pursuit along with a bucketload of new gameplay features, improvements, and bug fixes. Starting today, Red Dead Online fans can embrace a new frontier pursuit – the Naturalist, which comes with general Daily Challenges, new Awards, a collection of new clothing, hairstyles, hair accessories, and emotes.

On top of that, the Naturalist includes new Specialist Role themed, the ability to store cooked meats in the Item Wheel, and a lot more. Also, a weapons locker has been added to camp in Story, allowing Arthur to remove chose weapons from the weapon wheel.

The Naturalist can track, hunt, and study animals. Playing as Naturalist, you'll explore diverse environments, encounter new legendary animals, and learn new skills while doing that. As players build out their Animal Field Guides and continue through the Specialist Role, they will open up a range of new items, skills, and gameplay to explore.

Among the new skills the Naturalist is able to learn, Rockstar mentions Mercy Kills and the ability to pitch Wilderness Camps. While playing the new role, you'll start encounter legendary animals, which can be discovered both in Free Roam and through Animal Sighting assignments commissioned by a certain NPC.

At the moment, the Naturalist can hunt legendary cougars, foxes, boards, beavers, wolves, bison, and elk, but more legendary animals will be added in the coming weeks.

Furthermore, Rockstar announced that in order to help players to study animals, it has added a new Advanced Camera from the Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Catalogue. The new camera offers increased mobility along with an improved suite of camera features that includes a set of filters. Also, new weapons, including a customizable Improved Bow and the Elephant Rifle have been added.

Last but not least, the most recent Red Dead Online update includes more than 250 fixes, balancing adjustments, and general improvements, including solution to address camp and animal spawn issues, enhancements to matchmaking, and team sorting methods for Showdown lobbies.