PopCap has promised that more tweaks are coming

Mar 8, 2016 09:18 GMT  ·  By

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 has been well received by gamers when it launched in late February, and the developers at PopCap Games are already offering a first major free update for the game and a content pack that will introduce some new features to the shooter.

Justin Wiebe, the creative director working on the title, explains on the official site that his team is very thankful to players who have invested their time in the experience and want to give back by making sure that the title evolves over time.

Aqua Center is the new map Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2, offered for cooperative action and team vanquish, and gamers can also enjoy a night version of the Great White North map to Turf Takeover.

The Backyard Battleground features Hide n' Find and Bot & Pot missions and players have more control over the matches that they create and the control scheme, with a difficulty slider also offered in the Pause menu for some modes.

PopCap Games is also introducing a wide range of tweaks to the mechanics of Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2, which gamers can see by clicking on the button at the end of this article.

Some gamers have also complained about the attitude of some of the gamers who are currently engaged with the title, but it's unclear how the developers can improve the quality of the community.

PopCap will probably adopt a monthly update model

The wording of the official announcement suggests that the studio wants to continue to offer new content for its mix of shooter and tower defense experience, with a major update coming at some point during each month.

Neither PopCap Games nor Electronic Arts has offered clear information about long-term plans for Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2, which is the kind of experience that needs new maps, modes and other incentives to keep gamers engaged.

The developers have said that they want to keep the community satisfied and many of the new mechanics are based on the feedback that fans have offered when the first installment arrived.

Presumably paid downloadable content for the shooter will be announced at some point in the future.

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 can be played on the PC, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4, but as with many modern shooters there are no plans to introduce cross-platform play even if the hardware supports it.

PvZ 2 Garden Warfare Changes