The game will enter Steam Early Access in October

Oct 1, 2019 12:14 GMT  ·  By

Ndemic Creations, the folks behind the critically-acclaimed Plague Inc., have just announced their new game called Rebel Inc: Escalation will be released for PC this month. Unlike their first game, the upcoming title is a unique and deeply engaging political and military strategic simulation.

According to developers, Rebel Inc: Escalation draws inspiration from the complexities and consequences of modern counter-insurgency. Players will have to choose the priorities of a war-torn country, balancing military and civilian requests to win the crowd, while also stopping a deadly insurgency from seizing power.

Although the game will combine some of the original's gameplay features, there will be new aspects that include a campaign, multiplayer, Steam workshop support, improved graphics and a lot more. Rebel Inc: Escalation will include 5 different regions with different strategic environments, as well as 6 unique governors, such as Economist, Smuggles, and Warlord.

The world of Rebel Inc: Escalation is “hyper-realistic.” Inspired by Afghanistan, players should expect a highly detailed and based on extensive research real wold development initiatives and innovative representation of counter-insurgency tactics.

Intelligent civilian and military AIs are among the important aspects of the game, as deadly insurgent attacks will put constant pressure on the player's operations. Not everything mentioned by Ndemic Creations will be available when the game launches in Early Access this month.

Still, features like Campaign Mode, Co-Op and vs Multiplayer will be available during Early Access, and the same goes for the Custom Scenario Creator where players can develop their own custom scenarios with unique strategic challenges and narratives, which can be shared with Steam Workshop.

The game will be updated with daily challenges, speed runs, and Mega-Brutal difficulty, as well as new maps, governors and scenarios. There's no mention of a release timing in the announcement, but Rebel Inc: Escalation will most likely remain in Early Access for the rest of the year and a good chunk of 2020.

If you can't wait for the full release, Rebel Inc: Escalation is available on Android and iOS devices since early this year, so you can check it out right now.

Rebel Inc: Escalation screenshots (8 Images)

Rebel Inc: Escalation cover art
Rebel Inc: EscalationRebel Inc: Escalation