He also said that the game is balanced for vanilla version

Oct 27, 2015 19:18 GMT  ·  By

The PayDay 2 producer answered a lot of questions on Reddit regarding the recently released Black Market update, which caused quite a stir in the media and the gaming community.

PayDay 2 is one of the most successful games on Steam, and you can find it in the top ten played games. This means that there are about 30,000 players online at any given moment, which is quite a lot, especially since PayDay 2 has been around for a little over two years.

The OVERKILL studio added a new Black Market update, which provides users with a safe or a drill. Opening the safe with a drill can generate items like weapon skins. This wouldn’t be a problem, but some of those skins also change some of the weapon stats. ​ The items can be traded in the Steam marketplace. This is why the community was in uproar because it considered that the studio added transaction when it promised it wouldn’t.

The PayDay 2's Black Market update is here to stay

One of the things that have been said in the Reddit AMA was that the new drop is here to stay, and there is good reason for it. There is the financial aspect of it, but it also opens up new opportunities for the developers.

"We have a partnership with our partner 505 Games, where we have a deal to produce a specific amount of content until 2017. However, we at OVERKILL want to create more than what we and 505 Games agreed on. We want to do everything we can to make PAYDAY 2 as awesome as possible. In order to do that, we made the decision to triple the size of the crew. To ensure that we can keep the size of the team, we decided that the best approach was to introduce the Black Market update to the game," said Amir, one the producers.

He also explained that PayDay 2 is balanced around the vanilla version of the game, without any DLCs. Secondly, PayDay 2 is actually a player-versus-environment game, which means that friends play against the AI. Technically, if one of the players has better stats because of a weapon skin, then the entire team benefits.

If you're a PayDay 2 fan, you certainly need to read the bulk of the AMA on Reddit. It's a huge one, and there might be some other gems hidden in there.