Incubate and grow your own organic spaceship

Feb 23, 2020 10:25 GMT  ·  By

The folks at Hello Games are back with yet another amazing update for their game – No Man's Sky. The new Living Ship update brings players exactly what the name suggests, living and breathing spaceships, which they can incubate and grow.

These are the first new ships introduced since the Atlas Rises update. The new living ships can be accessed after players complete a series of missions, which will take them through the ancient Korvax experiments that led to the birth of these interstellar beings.

No Man's Sky players who want to incubate, grow and fly their own living ships might want to visit the Space Anomaly and follow the call of the Void Egg. After that, they will go through a series of missions that will ultimately reward them with the capability of incubating and growing these living ships.

One important thing worth adding is these living ships are unique and, as with everything in the game, procedurally-generated. Although they can't be upgraded in the same way as a traditional ship, each one is individually hatched, with a unique set of internal organs that determines their abilities.

Basically, if you want certain abilities from your ship, you'll need to incubate the right sort of life within your ship. If you're playing the game in VR, the look of these living ships might be unsettling, especially when you want to fly them.

Besides the organic spaceships, the latest No Man's Sky update adds a wide range of new discoverables to deep space, which should add all-new space encounters to the off-planet experience. Also, strange new lifeforms and mysterious objects will now populate the space between planets, bringing more variety and unique experiences to space travel.

According to Hello Games, they are starting to experiment with releasing content they know the community would enjoy as soon as they're able rather than wait for a bigger update that usually takes seven or eight months. These more regular updates seem to be more appreciated by the community, so we'll most likely see more in the not-so-distant future.

No Man's Sky Living Ships screenshots (8 Images)

No Man's Sky
No Man's SkyNo Man's Sky