The game is free to play, but with optional purchases

Aug 27, 2019 13:23 GMT  ·  By

Mario Kart Tour, one of Nintendo hottest properties, is finally making its way onto Android and iOS starting next month.

It’s difficult to quantify just how beloved the Mario Kart franchise is. Any rested gamer has played some form of Mario Kart, in some of its many iterations, and got beat on the finish line. It’s the reason why some people need replacement controllers and sometimes even TVs.

While some of Nintendo games didn’t go overly well on mobile platforms, like Super Mario Run, it’s expected that Mario Kart will make a much bigger splash. It’s unclear why people didn’t want to play Super Mario on mobile devices, but it’s probably related to the fact that it didn’t follow the well-known recipe.

Mario Kart Tour might be the one

Nintendo is not a company known for its development speed or busy release schedule. They launch new titles in their own way, and it’s impossible to predict what’s coming next. They might be working on porting or adapting Legend of Zelda, for all we know, although they probably aren’t.

The announcement came from the Twitter account or Nintendo of America, saying that “Buckle up because #MarioKartTour will be available on 9/25. Follow @mariokarttourEN for more information heading into the game's release.”

 Of course, users and fans get a chance to preregister on Google Play Store and the App Store, which means that you’ll get a notification when the game actually becomes available.

From what we can already see in the videos and screenshots, it’s a very similar game to what we would expect, with the same insane races and boosts. People will need a Nintendo account to play, but it’s also worth mentioning that the game is free to start, but optional in-game purchases available. It’s unclear how this will manifest, but it’s possible that users will be able to buy additional heroes and more.

Mario Kart Tour (6 Images)

Mario Kart Tour
Mario Kart TourMario Kart Tour