Website is currently down, nobody knowns who hacked it

Jul 29, 2016 21:40 GMT  ·  By

Between July 7 and July 26, the date of the last reported attack, the website of the Harrison city council,, was hacked eight different times.

There are no clues as to the identity of the hacker(s), and at the time, it is not known if the same person hacked the website all eight times or more than one party participated in the attacks.

What's currently known is that the website is still down, 23 days after the initial hack that took place on July 7.

Scan Worx, the company that was managing the site for the New Jersey town, took it down as a precaution and to bolster its security measures.

Authorities say that they did not store any sensitive data on town citizens on the website, which was used only to announce upcoming events, the Jersey Journal reports.

Based on snapshots recorded in the Internet Archive, the website was nothing more than a glorified WordPress blog.

While there were no reports of a defacement, the site may have been hacked as part of one of the massive hacking campaigns that recently started targeting WordPress and Joomla sites.

One of those is called Realstatistics, a campaign that debuted two years ago under the SoakSoak name and hijacked over 100,000 websites, showing malicious ads or hijacking traffic to exploit kits in order to infect users with malware.