New hint that Surface refreshes also planned

Oct 25, 2016 05:35 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft will hold a hardware event tomorrow and everyone seems to expect the software giant to take the wraps off the Surface All-in-One PC, which is a completely new device that will help expand the Surface lineup beyond the tablet and laptop markets.

And while the Surface PC will be a very exciting unveiling for everyone keeping an eye on everything Microsoft, it appears that the firm might also be planning some other product launches, including refreshes to the Surface Pro 4 and the Surface Book.

Earlier this month, we’ve told you about some hints coming from Microsoft’s store on Amazon and indicating that a 2016 hardware refresh was planned for the Surface Book and now it appears that this is the case of the Surface Pro 4 as well.

The 2-in-1 device is now listed on Amazon as “2015 model,” which could be a sign that a 2016 version is also on its way and could be unveiled as soon as tomorrow.

Hardware refreshes

Basically, what Microsoft might be trying to do is take the wraps off new Surface Pro and Surface Book models that aren’t completely different from their predecessors, but only focus on hardware. This means that new processors, more RAM, storage, and other changes here and there are very possible, although aesthetically, the old and the new models will look entirely the same.

It’s not yet clear if Microsoft plans to call these new models Surface Pro 5 and Surface Book 2, but this is rather unlikely given the fact that they would only include hardware upgrades and nothing else.

Previously, it was believed that the October 2016 hardware event would include the new Surface Pro 5 and the Surface Book 2 as well, but that plan has since changed and Microsoft is now believed to be aiming towards an early 2017 release for the new models.

As you can see, there are a lot of uncertain things at the moment, so more details are expected to be provided tomorrow when Microsoft will finally discuss its hardware strategy with everyone else.